Though it's not a surprising news that majority Nigerians are using cooking gas for various domestic cooking purposes. But it is also an advantage though the increase number of people especially in urban areas are using cooking gas because it makes cooking faster, achieved in short time, neatness and more hygienic, above all more economical than most other methods (like Kerosene or Firewood).
This has created good business opportunity for smart entrepreneurs who can now trade on cooking gas and cooking gas equipment to make good profits.

For you to venture in the business I know there would have been so many questions in your mind like: what measures is use, How do you establish it?, How can you refill a customer’s cylinder?, place to buy from?, How to handle cylinders? How much will I buy and at what price do I sell? What is my profit? & How much capital do I need to start?

But you don't need to overstressed yourself because cooking gas business is very profitable and you don’t have to break the bank before you can start it. With N100,000 you can get your business setup and ready to go with almost everything necessary in place. And this is a big business that anyone who is into it can be proud of.
Before we go into the business proper, there some factors that can hindered the business growth that we need to considered:

Explosion: Gas is a highly inflammable product and just one little mistake can result to an explosion, this isn’t a much problem because all you need is to be careful at all times to detect when there is leakage in those cylinders as leakages is one of the major cause of fire and explosion. You also need to buy good fire extinguisher that can be very handy in time of minor fire outbreak and always refill your customers gas tanks in an open places.

Location: This matters most because if your business is situated in a region where the standard of living is poor and the inhabitants use more of firewood and kerosene stove, then your business is already a failure from the start. So try to site your business in a positive economic area with working class residents. You can also target restaurants, fast food outlets, etc; as these ones need a steady supply of gas as your sales is highly dependent on the economic situation of your region.

Health Safety: This is also to be considered because in the process of refilling your gas cylinder and those of the customers, you are bound to inhale at least a minimal dose of gas. This will not affect your health in anyway but when you inhale these small doses of gas over a long period of time, your health and life becomes endangered. A good way to protect yourself and your body is to buy gas masks and put them on when refilling the cylinder always.

Government Policy: This another factor because if  government decide to increase the price of LPG today, some consumers may find it difficult to take it and may have to go back to using of kerosene or firewood. If that happens, you loose some customers and your sales will drop.
However, this is not meant to happen because government is trying to encourage the usage of cooking gas by reducing the price always in other to discourage deforestation.

Now that you are aware of the risks in the business and you know you can handle it, what are the things you need to put in place to get the business started?

Write a business plan:
Writing a business plan and marketing strategy provides you with some insight into the feasibility of the trade in your locale, the desired begin-up capital, the expenses of jogging the business, the market and competitors, and different very predominant causes.

Startup Capital:
According to the people who are already in the business, one can conveniently start with N100,000 and be equipped to purchase greater than 20 cylinders, get you a store, and buy the initial merchandise. The rate of save in this regard relies on the region. If you happen to make a decision to find your business in a highbrow discipline, you are going to spend way more money to get a shop however the fee will probably be good valued at it.

Preferable Location:
After the fundamental homework, you must to find a proper piece of property for what you are promoting. When you consider that of the hazardous nature of cooking gas, most federal and state governments have laid-down rules related to the website of a cooking gas retailing industry. So it is very principal that you just discover the rules that observe for your state or nation concerning property for use for cooking gas retailing. A good concept is to consult an legal professional.

Market Area:
This is a good and reasonable factor that you must take note when choosing an area is your business. It is foremost that you locate your small business just about the place where there are numerous potential customers. For example, locating such business as cooking gasoline retailing in a rural area is a nasty proposal.
The best locations to showcase your cooking gas retail store is a residential area (majorly dominated by using the core classification), excessive institutions (scholars now opt for cooking with gas than kerosene when you consider that gas is odorless, smoke-free, cooks faster and final longer), amusement centers such as accommodations, eating places and quick meals shops.

You must get attached to any experienced retailers or even depots for about six months to learn the important rudiments. You need to learn how to refill the cylinder, how to transfer, how to change valve. And everything necessary that you must know about the business. You equally need to know where and how to buy cylinders.
If you decides to learn in a smart way, you can learn from any of those retailers you see by the roadsides and if you are smart enough, you can get all the knowledge you need there. In anyway, it may take you as much as six months to complete your apprenticeship.

Marketing Strategy:
When your business is up and running. You need to employ every marketing strategy you can muster to increase your profitability and stay afloat.

With all things setup according to plan, you are in a good business. A business that is capable of giving you all the money you want. I have people who are doing fine in this gas business. You too can do even better.
I wish you success in your New Business!

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