If you are thinking of another lucrative business you can do in Nigeria Football Viewing Centre is one of it, and this blog contains a brief analysis and setup on how to start the football viewing
If you are among those thinking of making money in Nigeria without much aisle, then you are on the line.

Though there are various ways of making money in the country, either online or offline, the income in the online business might be huge but at times the offline also have its advantages
i) You don’t have to face the struggle of explaining what you do online to people everyday because it can physically seen.
ii) You can easily access loans from families, friends and financial institution.

Getting down to Business
If you are the type that doesn't like explaining what you do to people everyday, then starting a football viewing center as an offline business might be the right choice of business for you.
The reason is very simple; 
i) You don’t need a registered company to start a football viewing center.
ii) You also don’t need a huge capital to get the business going. Nigerians love football! That’s all you need to know. And once there is an audience for your business; then you don’t have to worry about making sales or not; because sales would
automatically makes itself.
iii) You are not promoting any product. You’re not burdened with the task to making sure your product is perfect and all that headache that comes with physical product sales does not come you way.

There are many factors involved in getting a Football Viewing Centre started, but this factors is segmented into two categories, which are:

#1. What You Need To Start A Football Viewing Center.
Now that you know how easy it is to start a football viewing center, below are the things you need to start a viewing center.
A viewing space:
Of course you need a space. This is one of the most important item on your list.
You need a large space for the audience. You don’t have to build the space yourself. Just look for a free space in the proper area of the town, your verandah or the  backyard of your building
You have to site your football viewing center is a place with high youth population and high security level in other to drive sales and protect your materials.
At times you can  makes extra money by renting out the space for other things when you’re not showing any football match (especially during week days).
You can find a partner who is into another form of business; maybe tutoring business, raise funds and acquire the space. (You would have successfully reduced your startup cost by doing this).
If you’re not in a student environment; don’t stress yourself with finding a partner; just get a good location for your business; the money spent on acquiring the space would be made back few weeks into the business.

Though Nigerians love football, you can't keep your customers standing while watching; especially when they're not watching for free.
So you would need some set of chairs for your audience.
Don’t get plastic chairs! Nigerians can “over jubilate" and break them, which will lead to a loss on your end. So bire a carpenter to help with making strong wooden bench.
It all depends on the availability of space and your projected audience, 20 to 30 benches should be good for a start.

Ventilation system:
Football viewing centers are always over crowded. 
When talking of ventilation system; it does not mean you should bankrupt yourself and get a split air-conditioning system. "NO" at list just get yourself a Standing fan that's all.
You would be needing at least three huge standing fan depending on the size of your viewing centre to keep the place cool when your audience are watching.

Power Supply:
Due to the epileptic electricity power supply in Nigeria. To avoid facing any difficulties; it’s advisable that you have a Backup (Alternative Power Supply) i.e. a standby Generator
Get a good generator (It does not have to be brand new if you’re low on budget) and also a UPS because non of the customer  would like any form of interruption while watching their favorite game.
You would connect the gadgets directly to a UPS, such that when the light goes off (be it generator or PHCN) your viewers can keep watching until you put on a secondary source of power.

Television Set:
You need a good television set. a standard football viewing center should have at least two big screen.
This would come handy when you’re about to show two matches at a time (English premier league).
You don’t need a Samsung LED tv, or a smart tv or LG HD LED whatever-you-choose-to-call-it-tv…
Just get something that provides a clear picture. Don’t be stingy though; get a plasma!

Sound System:
You need a good old deck sound speaker. Not just for your audience; but for publicity purpose. Position the speaker at the front of you viewing center, connect it to your cable set and increase the volume (try not to disturb your neighbors). This would attract passers-by to your football viewing center.

DSTV or Other Cable Subscription:
You would definitely need a cable TV subscription to get access to the supersports stations and other relevants game showing station.
There are numerous bouquet subscription packages that you can subscribe to in other to make more profit, which i may not be listing out due to time and other factors (but you can contact for that personally), you can also visit the nearest multichoice office to make inquires about this. Or you can also reach out to those that are already in the business to ask them about the best subscription package.

Although you can’t keep the light on when watching games; but you would have to put on the light when your customers are about to leave; so make sure your football viewing center is well lighted, because no matter what, you will sure need the light.

Though this is optional, but it's a kind of branding to modernize your viewing centre from others, and its also a way of making sure that everybody pays. Of course there are some “bad guys” in the hood that would never pay…
And in your own best interest, you should make those “bad guys” you venue bouncer.
Try to make a pocket sized ticked for customers. You will basically give them the ticket after payment. It’s more like a receipt.
It does not have to look fancy or professional; because I know you might be thinking of giving the job out to a printer already, and that might cos.
Scratch the idea! just make something simple and save your money for some other things.

#2. Getting Started As A Football Viewing Center Owner.
Now that you have everything you need. The next thing is to create a strategy.
Make publicity for your new business by offering discounts for the first 10 or 20 viewers, make them watch 2 matches for the price of 1, etc. Just like every other business; it might be a little bit difficult to get customers for the first few weeks, but once you tell people about it, they would eventually show up in your viewing center.
You can offer various incentives for referrals as well. Something like; bring your friend to watch a match and you won’t be paying for the match, only if your friend is viewing here for the first
time. The idea is to spread the news about the existence of your business as much as possible.
Get a white board and position then in strategic places; not just at the front of your viewing center. Place those white boards at popular junctions withing the vicinity of your football viewing center. Write features and promo information on the white board.
Also design an attractive banner that showcase your business with images of football stars.

#3. Expanding Your Ideas.
You can include a beverage selling business as well.
If you know how to market your business; you can create branded t-shirt and sell to football fans.
The possibility is almost endless with this business.
So what are you waiting for? Get on with it and start making some real income for yourself.

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