The time we have spent in many
particular field, are not often something we desire to remain in for years at a
time. Sometimes, we just want to quite. Questions begin to rise in your mind
about the possibility of enjoying another field or another style of career.
These are noble questions, as a career is designed not to be a lifestyle of service,
but to be a reflection of who you are and what you desire. It mirrors your
life. This is why career transitions must be handled with care and wisdom. Since
change is never easy during this process, however, there are a few simple steps
one must follow.
Managing An
Unexpected Career Change
If you are one of the
millions of people who get an unexpected pink slip, the fact that you are getting
laid off can be terrifying. It doesn’t have to be that way, but many people don’t
prepare themselves for the eventuality of a career change and prefer instead to
coast through life. When market forces or a major illness interrupt their
career, they may have no idea how to start a new career. Let’s be clear, you
can switch into another career quickly, but not if you don’t plan your strategies
way ahead of time. Once the emergency hits, you won’t have the calm head
required to look at all your options objectively. So, don’t wait until something
happens to force you out of your career, be proactive and start looking at ways
to manage a potential career change even if your job seems as secure as
the rock of Gibraltar.
You want to lay the foundation
and be prepared, just like you would if a hurricane were getting ready to
strike your town. Don’t expect the government forces to be able to reach your
door to help you, in that event. Similarly, in a situation where the economy is
shaken, you may have fewer federal resources available. Do check them out, but
also prepare to take control of your own life.
It takes a common sense
approach and the ability to plan and strategize for all contingencies. It starts with a willingness to be realistically appraise your own skills and the
determination to do the hard work to make your own future secure, without
relying on chance or fate. So, the advice given here can help you whether you
are laid off or whether you are making a leap into self employment. If you have the strategies
in place when the time comes to quit your job or leave, then it can give you a feeling of security in
rough times and it can help to motivate you. The worst thing that can happen when you are
suddenly without work is that you decide to take it easy for a while. That is not the time to take it
easy, that’s the time to take out your plan and focus on some strategies to either get you
gainfully employed or make a dream come true. It all depends on how much you’ve prepared in advance
as to how easily you can move from having no job to being in total control of your life.
Ahead Of Time
You don’t want to get to
the point where you have been given notice and have absolutely no idea where to start
looking for a job or even what jobs you qualify for. Always know what your skills are and how those
skills apply to the present marketplace. This can take a review of your skills, yearly. This
should be easy enough as that is normally done in your yearly review, with your supervisor. Keep a
copy of all of your achievements and skills at home at all times. If you are asked to leave a
company, you may have little time to take anything with you. So, act as a faithful employee, but
keep records at home – always. Don’t leave them in your desk at work. You won’t be able to
retrieve them if you leave suddenly.
Many companies ask you to
specify your career goals and then evaluate how you did at year end. This is a great
strategy to help you plan on how to increase you on-the-job skills. You should take advantage to
express any areas that you think will also make you more marketable outside the company and
that can also benefit your own company. Always show how your further training can
increase the company’s bottom line. If it happens to increase your marketability, that’s not
something you need to draw attention to, but it can be invaluable during a layoff.
For Career Changes
Within the career e-book, you are given specific
resources that will help you assess your skills and find out which of them
apply to the marketplace. You want to know what the trends are in salary and in employment
for your current field. You also want to be able to find the same information for other
fields, even when you haven’t a clue what they might be.
You will want to create
the career survival kit, which is talked about in the career e-book. This is a standard portfolio of
basic tools that can help you be ready in a pinch to go out and seek employment, if that is
your aim. Within the career survival kit, you will be asked to keep you plan handy. This plan goes over
all the research that you have done to help you stay in touch with the market and know how
your skills can benefit you in a career switch.
Making Your
Dreams Come True
Besides a layoff, there
are signals within us that tell us we’ve either been at a job too long or the winds of change aren’t in
our favor. Learn how to start reading the elements of change to decide when you have to take
notice and be proactive. You can look on this as an adventure to
rediscovering the passion
and ambition in your life. If you know how to successfully switch from one job to another, you
can have the freedom to create a life of happiness instead of a life of drudgery. It will help to
build your confidence and give you more life satisfaction. You will come face-to-face
with the statistics that prove some avenues are surefire ways to increase your income and
help you remold your career. You won’t be scared of losing a job you don’t like
anyways. You will have a plan,
something the majority of people don’t have when they are switching careers or trying to make
a dream come true.
Learn how to overcome your
own mindset and reach for a future that excites you. This means learning what motivates
you and what you enjoy. There is ample evidence that most people have more than three
careers in one lifetime. They can be as varied as turning from a medical doctor to an artist and
anything in between. You can re-invent yourself as long as you have the commitment to follow your
dreams while placing your feet squarely on the ground, one foot in front of the other.
Some of the problems that
people face when changing a career are practical issues:
- How will you finance an extended period of time without a job?
- How will you get an education? Who will pay for it?
- How will you manage your time and your family responsibilities?
- Where can you make business contacts?
These are all crucial life
issues that have to be recognized and dealt with in order to succeed. Very few people succeed in
a complete vacuum. There are other people who can become allies and those who can create
obstacles in your drive to change your career. You can even sabotage yourself and not
realize it until many years of what could have been fruitful work have gone by. The career e-book gives you practical answers to life’s practical
questions. While having a dream is a noble endeavor
the actual execution of it requires a very firm grasp on day-to-day issues. You will find
advice on how to manage your time, how to get your employer to pay for your career advancement,
and how to network.
So many people have heard
the importance of networking, but few actually practice it to make an impact on their
careers. When you are faced with a job loss or a desired career change, networking is one of the
most important strategies to understand and implement. The career ebook goes over the many
different areas in your life that you can network to help you achieve your goals. With the use
of your career survival kit, you can start to make targeted visits to locations where professionals
meet and network. You can, in some cases, even do it on company time, if you are
still employed. If you are not employed,
networking can become very difficult. You may feel isolated from your colleagues and the
industry. You may feel embarrassed to show up without a title. You can get a lot of networking done
at networking groups for the unemployed, but let’s face it; everyone there is typically not
working. You want to be able to go to places where you can meet other people who are able to get
your foot in the door to a company or position that you have targeted in your plan.
Career Coaches
Some people would prefer
to hire someone who can help motivate and guide them in a career change. This is especially
useful if you’ve been an employee all your life and never taken control of your life
before. A career coach can help you adjust your mindset and project an aura of confidence. They can
help you resolve obstacles that may seem daunting when faced alone. This e-book tells you what
to expect from a career coach and how to maximize your results with
them. If you don’t know if you
can benefit from a career coach, the career e-book gives you some examples of people who can
benefit from this arrangement. A career coach can be for someone who is happily employed
and seeking career advancement within their company or for someone who is trying to make a
career switch or start their own business.
You may find out that in
order to fulfill your dreams, you will have to get continuing education. There are so many
different teaching institutions that the choices available make it difficult to decide on where to attend.
You can choose by price, but that might not give you the credentials that you need to make the
career change. You don’t want to graduate only to find that you owe lots of money in student
debt and have made no inroads in your efforts to fulfill your dreams. The career e-book will give you an idea of how to distinguish a good
school from one that is not adequate for you. It talks
about the application process and how to best get ready to apply for financial aide.
If you are employed and
looking to change companies, you know the dangers of posting your resume online where a
supervisor might find it. You also know how that can negatively impact your career and make you a
prime candidate for a layoff. So, there are instances when you don’t want to do the job
search through public means. Hiring a recruiter can be a very thoughtful way of bringing
confidentiality to your search and giving you more time to make sure you are meeting the other goals in
your plan. Recruitment agencies are a
dime a dozen and you want some idea of what agencies are not only reputable, but aren’t
outright scams. There are some dead giveaways on who to avoid as well as which might be a
good match. Keep in mind that even a good recruiter can’t place someone who has let his or
her skill set disintegrate. So, you will want to take any feedback on your marketability from
the recruiters and use it to manage and modify your action plan.
Striking Out On Your Own
If your career goal is to
strike out on your own and become an independent consultant or home business owner, then you
can also benefit from this career e-book.
Many of the same strategies apply to both a successful
employment search as well as establishing a business. When there is a difference in strategies
the career e-book clearly spells out how to modify the work plan and this include
the dream of business ownership.
with this piece of information, i believe making the decision concerning your career with be easy now.
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Hope you make the right choice
Hope you make the right choice
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