This business might not seem new to you, but I can bet it's one of the best evergreen cash making business in time. Beer parlour needed ice-blocks to cool their drinks if they could not afford to run their generator for long enough to get their drinks chilled. With the epileptic power supply and high cost of fuel in the country, on occasions (like Wedding, Birthday, Burial, Graduation, Naming & Corporate Events) you need ice block to chilled you drinks. it is next to impossible to achieve this feat without extra exorbitant running costs which may likely put an entrepreneur out of business.

We live in a very hot environment and so we consume lots of liquid/drinks. Every Nigerian would prefer cold drinks to warm drinks any time any day. People who run businesses that deal on drinks will attest to the fact that customers will always demand for chilled drinks and when you can give them chilled drinks at every point, then you will be their Number-One stop shop as long as drinks is concerned.

For the purpose of this article and due to the fact that our focus is on start-ups, we will be discussing ice block business on a small-scale to encourage and inspired young entrepreneurs and let them see that they have no excuse not to ACT NOW.


1) space (i.e Shop or Home)
2) refrigerator
3) nylon
4) Generator set

Ice block business is a lucrative business even on a small-scale and a large budget and not much preparation. It is unlike most other businesses. To start with, you need to find the times when the blocks are needed most and understand how your refrigerator works or how effective it is. Then you need to get transparent nylons. I assume you already have a refrigerator or a deep freezer at home and then as a Nigerian, you also have a generator capable of powering your freezer. You do not necessarily need a shop at start-up as your customers will always trace you to your doorsteps to place orders. This could be your stepping stone to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

To start with, you need to fill up the nylons and make sure it is water-proof for as long as it can remain liquid till it changes to solid state. Some people sell their drinks in the morning probably to school kids and to some workers who want to fill up before facing the day’s job ahead. To be able to meet up with orders from this group and save up on your fuel usage, you might have to run your generator from probably 3:00am depending on how fast your freezer is in freezing the water. Your target should be the 6-7:00am customers and another round of orders will come by 11-12 noon in preparation for those going for lunch and then at about 4-5pm for those who would want to get their drinks cool for the evening i.e The Beer Parlours & The Bars.
This calculation is based on the premise that there is no power supply at all but when there is, you just replace any that is sold out immediately so it could be freezing till the power supply is out. This will also help reduce your fuel consumption rate.

Depending on the size of your freezer, say a small one that can contain ten pieces of block or even more. Let’s do a mental summary of this; if you have to sell for two hundred naira (N200) per block and you sell all which is very possible and happens most times due to high demand for the commodity, you have a total of two thousand naira (N2,000). You have to repeat this process three times a day which gives you six thousand naira (N6,000) just being at home. Due to the situations of the economy at the time, Let’s say you spend two thousand naira on buying fuel to power your generator, you have a profit of four thousand naira (N4,000) for a day. Multiply it by 28 days and see your earnings for the month just sitting at home.

Don’t forget that this business will also give you constant power supply to do other business ventures at home and relax while you watch your favourite shows on TV, not also forgetting that you phones and laptops will also be constantly charged so that you can always catch up on this blog as we reveal other small business ideas.
I await your comments, opinions and questions.
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  1. Hello,

    If you want to go into ice block production business, There are so many company website this days like that will enable you as a beginner to raise the fund you need to start up your ice block production business without you seeking for a loan.

    This company is where many business dealers from all over the world generate fund that backup their various businesses financially.

    I used this company to backup my cocoa beans export business each time my business is running down.

    You can visit and register with the company website here to raise the fund you need now to go start your ice block production business now.


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