It is very easy to make money on a Facebook Page: just create a page, upload content, gather an audience for some common interests by posting links and you have not just a page, but the area, which will serve for advertising. This is an aspect of making money without investment.

How much can you make on Facebook?
We will say considering the case that you already have a page with more than 13,000 fans. The average cost of placing one publication from the advertiser on this site is about $5 per day. It is better to post not more than 2 of these publications per day, in order not to cause discontent of followers. Now calculate your income: per day - S10, month - $310 per month.
But do not expect that you will immediately sell advertising space for a couple of months in advance. As practice shows, you will not be asked to post ads every day, so the true sum is about $100 of stable earnings in a month. And you can get it from the page, which includes about 13,000 - 15,000 participants. Such a number of people can be gathered within a couple of months. Of course, you will have to invest some small money, but it will be certainly paid off.
However, if you want to start making money investing nothing, for free, then you can get a lot of followers due to specific, interesting content. It can be anything you like: funny memes, cooking, autos, luxurious life, etc. But you will have to spend more time waiting for a solid number of followers.

How to make money on the Facebook page?
Currently, on Facebook, in contrast to Instagram, for example, there is not so big competition. Therefore, the one who will begin to work on the Facebook page right now will get good income.
The page which has more than 100,000 subscribers is considered large enough and can bring you income in $15 - 30 per publishing. Just calculate how much money will come to you, if you sell 2 promotional publications per day for a month!

Methods of earning on Facebook page
Advertising on the page, which we’ve considered above - this is the easiest option of income, but also less profitable. One of the most beneficial options is the sale of a variety of information courses on affiliate programs. Selling one copy of the product will give you the affiliate payments, which sometimes can reach more than $20 per copy. With a base of 10,000 - 13,000 people, you can have a good sale, combining it with general advertising.
The third option is the most profitable. It is based on the sale of personal services or products. The point is to sell something of your own: your own information courses, counseling, coaching, paid webinars, workshops, websites, etc.
The audience of Facebook is more mature and more solvent. People are more willing to read some interesting articles, leave their comments. They think – they say their opinion.

What do you need to do to start earning on Facebook?
It's pretty simple - create your page and fill it with the content (tips, interesting articles, pictures, etc.). For example, if you select a theme ‘health’, it means you use the material about healthy lifestyles, diseases, treatments, etc.
Physically, one person actually can lead up to 4 pages and also go to work from 9 to 18. You will have time to fill the content of the page, make about 10 publications a day and communicate with subscribers and advertisers. Imagine how much revenue you'll receive from 5 pages, each of which has 100,000 subscribers. It is always possible to automate your earnings: create 4 popular pages and hire someone who will maintain and promote them. You can only receive passive income, without doing anything. Or, you can undertake the development of the new pages.

Step by step guide
The first thing is the choice of a niche in which you want to develop. There are 2 ways: first is the choice of the subjects for your personal interests and preferences, and the second - to select more profitable subjects. About the second way - as a rule, these are pages that are dedicated to businesses (the secrets of successful people, ready business plans, etc.). People who are engaged in business are willing to pay more money than those who promote their products for weight loss. But not everyone is interested in business topics, especially as it is more difficult to master than the same topic about losing weight.
We recommend you creating one page that will focus on the money theme, and one page that you will create for yourself, for your soul. Subscribers feel when the page is being soulless when a person just copies the content; the increase is less than one page, which you completely love yourself. But there is another option - you can find a ‘middle ground’: find the topics that advertisers like and what is interesting to you.
So, here is a short list of profitable topics:
Business theme - the most profitable direction;
Pharmaceuticals - everything that is related to health;
Women community – various mothers’ clubs, sales for children, etc.
Also, pay attention to the car theme and everything that relates to the Luxor. Alternatively, you can adapt to any city: to gather people only from the city, and then to offer the advertising of the all institutions of the city: bars, sports clubs, solariums, shops – such advertising works very well.

Choose a development strategy
Next, what you should pay attention to is a development strategy. Here you also 2 options: the first one is a ‘secret strategy’. It means that you manage your page on behalf of the faceless user. It is not tied to you, and no one will ever know who leads it, even advertisers (if you do not want to show your face to them). You just want to keep the page to receive the income from advertising and some affiliate programs. Here is a simple psychology: people do not want to stand out and just earn their stable $250 monthly.

The second strategy is the creation of your personal brand. You deliberately choose a topic you are interested in and start working with it, showing yourself as an expert in this field.
Consider the example of the creation of the website theme. Create a page on Facebook, we call it ‘How to create a website’ or ‘Web design’. Then we begin to fill the content: publish the articles on the subject ‘how to create a website’, choose a domain name, hosting, how to get backlinks, how to put a site on the top of the search engines, etc.
Meanwhile, the subscribers will follow your activity on the page, they will see that you understand the topic and ask questions. Helping these people, you will further strengthen your personal brand, and when someone else will need to create a website, he will create it using your articles.

But there are people who value their time and are willing to pay money to another person who understands the subject and can do everything efficiently. Your subscribers will know that you are the person that they need. Then you will begin to be asked questions about the pricing of creating the site.
This happens to all people who are the experts in a particular niche. You can make money not only on the provision of services but also selling the advertising publications (we’ve written about it above).
Additionally, you can sell a variety of courses in the partner program getting the partner contributions. In the end, you can create your course and sell it, getting contributions and 100% of the profits. So, once you have your own brand, which is tied to a specific category, you can earn:
1. providing your own services;
2. selling your own products;
3. selling the products for affiliate programs;
4. creating the paid groups, conducting webinars;
5. consulting or coaching;
6. and, of course, placing the advertising publications.

Using this strategy is much more profitable than a ‘secret’ strategy. You can use all our instructions and check it up yourself.
But we do not impose the direction of creating your brand. Everyone is free to choose what he feels comfortable. Someone feels comfortable and relaxed without any glory, and someone is trying to become popular. This is a personal matter and it is the choice of strategy depends on you.
If you are interested in the development of the brand, then choose the theme in which you want to develop. Learn, ‘grow’, and create the page. Put your picture on the avatar, share different video lessons and tell you how to do something and then get your income, in addition to advertising.
So, one more time about the main points briefly. You need to decide on the theme: it must be at the intersection of what you like and what advertisers are willing to pay for. Then select a development strategy: to create a brand or to develop using a secret strategy. And only now you can start creating the page.

Where can you find content?
Go to different social and type in the search any keyword that is related to your chosen niche. For example, if you choose a diet, then the material must be like the words: ‘sports nutrition’, ‘weight loss’, ‘diet’, etc. Find all the groups and all the pages that are relevant to the topic, save them. Pay attention to the most popular publications and create your own based on them.
The same applies to Facebook. Also, use the common search engine Google or Yahoo. Look for the sites on your topic.

Promotion of Facebook page using content
When you make a publication with which people like to interact, you get coverage not only subscribers but also their friends, because any interaction with your page is displayed in their news. Each user of Facebook has (in an average) 100 friends, so every fan means 100 new possible subscribers. So, leading the page, do not forget to keep track of what you’ve posted and what is interesting to your audience. Giving it to them is a half of the success. You'll get a good viral effect.

Earnings on Facebook
After some time when the number of subscribers of your page is about 10 000, you will receive applications from advertisers who would like to place their ads on your page. Believe us, this is true! After all, if your page is interesting and talked about, it will become noticeable by the advertisers. You do not even have to run advertising that you offer to advertise on your page. Everything will be completely automatic. Just make a note about it on your page.
After all, it is actually very simple and flexible. You can update your page at any convenient time for you. Alternatively, to save time, you can devote 3-4 hours on weekends and make a publication schedule for the week ahead, and then do nothing. However, if you want to get the results faster, you have to work harder. It is possible to create 3 pages in different subjects simultaneously and drive them. Then you’ll get 3 times more income.
When you already have a page that exceeds the number of 20,000 fans, create a new page and enter a new subject – it will not be difficult. You will be able to gather 3,000 fans in just a month on a new page, but that's due to that large one. So, you embrace all the subjects and maybe even become a monopolist.
You’ve read all the steps to start earning money on Facebook. Will you try it?

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* One-to-one coaching until you start making your own income.
* How to open a Facebook Page and get more than 2,500 friends/clients within 5 days.

Happy Reading.
